Welcome to the MSP blog! I'm Megan Sheppard and I'm a wedding photographer based in Boone, NC. I'm so glad you're here! I suggest grabbing something bubbly and a little munchie, and enjoy viewing my latest adventures.
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You guys … as soon as I walked onto the Estate on the day of Sarah and Tyler’s wedding, I immediately felt like my heart was going to explode. You know my love for details and color and boy did Sarah bring it! Her aunt, Kim, dressed Sarah’s special day beautifully. Not to mention, Sarah & Tyler. These two are absolutely precious and I could photograph them all. day. long. Enjoy!
How did you two meet?
Katherine: “Our story has lots of twists and turns! We met back in college through his parents, went on one date to Yamato’s (LOL) and then I didn’t really have any interest after that. Years later we re-connected in Charlotte around last call at a bar…it’s quite the long drawn out story….but the rest is history :)”
Now that sweet Mary is a married woman I can FINALLY share her bridal portraits. I absolutely LOVED this session at Stoneleigh Estate in Stanleytown, VA. Stoneleigh was completed in 1932 and was the home of former Virginia Governor Thomas B. Stanley. Gardens, intricate woodwork, brick walkways and exquisite details make this 22,000 square foot mansion a thing of beauty.
Megan Sheppard Photography | 2024 | Powered by toddler kissies, BOARD GAMES, thrifting treasures, iced Coffee, Carrot Cake & Podcasts